Learning French

by Ibrahim Qronfli

Let me start with this, I do love languages. They break down barriers, you can speak with interesting people, knowing the right languages open multiple doors, it makes you place independent and more.
This summer I went to Morocco to see my family and hang out with friends and cousins, and I spent a wonderful time there and loved it.
I know my Arabic Moroccan dialect, but my expressive Moroccan is limited because I'm not consistent in going to Morocco. I got annoyed by this thing, not being able to express myself using a language that I know. So here we go. Started my trip on learning French.

The beauty of Morocco

What's my french level ??

Well since I'm self learning it none is here to test me out, just to be clear I am a noob. Even though I got the oppurtinity of studying in the high school, I forgot most of the stuff.

What's the plan??

Well, it has been a month since I got into all this. I came from Morocco and thought obsessively about the fact that I could not express myself (even with decent English) in 2022. The first thing was ( and currently is ) trying to fill my days with french stuff, watching vloggers, and Netflix shows/movies and I'm currently reading a book. I'm even using my favorite language apps ( Duolingo and helloTalk ).
S o for know I'm meh, but I have short-term & long-term goals.
S o this was my first blog here & how you could see I can't write properly. But since practice makes perfect I'll continue to write every week and see how it goes with everything.

Learning new languages with tecnology.

Now, tecnology created new way of learning stuff, you can learn languages and in general it's possible to learn new general skills with the help of people worldwide. YouTube from example is a powerfull tool if used wisely. Coming back to languages, I'm loving the Duolingo podcasts and HelloTalk.

This week I had the oppurtinity to voice-chat with native people using HelloTalk which gave me more motivation to learn the French language.

I Finish here because I can't write. See you soon, point me out all type of mistakes made here in this article.